VSuite Ramdisk (Free Edition) is a simple-to-use solution for hard-disk bottleneck issue. It employs smart software algorithm, which effectively and efficiently simulates a hard disk using existing RAM. Because the speed of RAM is so much faster than most kinds of storage, this greatly speeds up your computer with reduced access time to files, which in turn, shows a huge improvement in overall performance.
Because of the volatility of RAM, VSuite Ramdisk provides lots of image file features to permanently store/restore data to/from non-volatile media.
The free edition provides 4GB maximum ramdisk size and 4GB maximum RAM usage.
VSuite Ramdisk (Free Edition) supports the following: SCSI Ramdisk support, large memory access support, OS Invisible Memory support, System page file support, Ramdisk's settings changeable, save Ramdisk image at system shutdown option, load Ramdisk image at system bootup option and multi-language support.